Thursday, February 22, 2007

Finally done with my pict uploaded so now i can update my blog and faster go slp ler.

Shall stop from where i stop.

2nd day of CNY woke up @ 9plus get my blade all ready while waiting for him to reach before we head off to ECP for our blading session. hee.

Sad the moment we jus start blading for less than 15mins? while buying gear frm 1 of the blade shop there it start to rain heavily. what the................................................ no choice but to settle our lunch first and continue to wait for the rain to stop.

Sushi time. this cost $13.90 hor

the fine dining resturant over there but the enviroment like nt very gd.
too bad forgot to snap down the food we ate before the sushi.
i have curry teriyaki and dear ebi udon with the fruity drinks.

the rain get smaller but we decided to continue blade with the small rain.

sportmanship huh.

oh dear helping me to wear my sock n blade, lazy la.

Yeah the rain have stop.
and millium tks to ah dear for teaching me a new style of blading.
it goes much more faster than what i usual does.
remember to teach me more stuns ah

aft blading for ard 2hrs heavy rain is back. no choice but to call it a day.

the rain getting bigger ler.

we blade to the road side n get a cab.

we nv took off our blade at all till the moment we reach his hse door.

wahahahahaha pro rite?hee :D

blur one.

a clear de.

showing off my gear. it look like pink but it red.

our blade on the cab.

arghhh i forgot to cleans my blade before storing them back.
omg die liao so many days ler.

at nite. aft he bath then he sent me home to bath and then back to his hse for dinner.

watching tv before goin to cine for our movie.

I simply jus love this pict.

Aft the movie ended at 3.30am rush to kelun hse to play mahjong till 6am. *faint* so sleepy sia.

anyway i watched Norbit. is a damn funny show. recommended.

Welcome wan wan to my hse.

all of them are happily sleeping leh.

it time for me to slp too ler.

3rd day of CNY haha he came at 2plus in order to punish him for being late for 2hrs i will nt talk to him but to throw him alone at the living room. but hee i over slept till 1plus la so nt his fault too he wana wait till i wake up ler then come over.

whole day have being watching tv etc... wana go museum but but till 4plus i still haven bath yet cos still watching tv then my mom was saying so late ler museum close at 7pm leh. gosh nvm shall go another day. then gamble with him before goin out for movie, i lose $10plus with half an hr. but the money eventually still end up wit me again.wahahahahaha

saw my silly him forgot to took off this price tag.

popcorn and hotdog plus 2 cup of drink

snap this pict in the cinema with him holding the hotdog.

brought this for my ah dear.

he reali lack of slp n energy ler time to repenish

dear insist taking the pict of our couple watch.

can see tt he reali like the watch alot.

knw which hand is mine?

kind of obvious rite? unless i got a big hand liked..............................


zhi lian again

I smile until so weird le

Today hk treat us to Bottletree to celebrate me n mun bday. thanks alot reali enjoy it. and tks dear for always picking me up whenever i'm.

Nice? from the outside.

the path.

Bottletree. this sign board look kind of eerie.

yusheng again

look at the mess we did

chicken wrap with cabbage

deep fried sotong

kai lan with scallop

curry fish head

fried prawn with salted egg


fried toufou

mun is happily eating

elva can't resist the food

me & mun

ok i knw i look fat

elva & me

the fish pond

the pond where the few fish live

nice rite?

Bottle Tree Park

it look so nice i thot inside got what treasure.

end up it those cig butt.

hk was asking why i like to take pict of the chair. omg it nt a chair hee XP

the messy table

mun is jus so happy, look at her face.

we look tired.

Our little bday cake. hee

the place where ppl can start their fishing!

anyway there's second round of bday celebrate.

Liannnnnnnnnnnnn me n mun will be watiting wor. wahahahahahaha.

i look damn ugly nw. wun take pict anymore till i slim back to what i used to be. and hor i look damn shag rite now. so good nite everyone zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anyway i reali enjoy this CNY alot. no words can describe hw happy i'm in. so XIN FU

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