Sunday, January 28, 2007

OMG where's my papillio sandals since i ordered 26 Nov 06??it being 2mths ler..fainted we order 11pair of it and even paid half but hw come it not here yet..haiz..

But heard frm the seller tt cos the design i ordered is a 2007 collection so have to wait lol..
what the???????

nvm..arghhh my nail still not recover yet frm the little accident i had in zouk tt long liao still not recover yet..hw much longer must i wait??duno can go do pedicure ant fan..arghh
Suddenly feeling so scare so stress. Scare of goin to work. hadn't have this kind of feeling since yrs ago when i was still young. but why am i having it rite now??

Mayb it due to the pressure i give myself??

Hk n Audrey expectation for me is jus too high tt i scare i can't meet the expectation or i'm not as outstand as hw i used to be ler ba.

Mayb i lost the confident i used to have. But why i lost all my confident? suddenly feel so small.

Or did i lose my passion of it?

I jus feel so stress rite now. I duno what to do. But aft hearing something make me feel much comfortable ler. Tks

Sometime i jus thot i'm single.

And ppl was asking me hw i'm goin to celebrate my valentine day. here my ans: i'm not celebrating dun feel like it and i already told him i dun wan to celebrate ler so both of us will be working tt day. there's only one concept in my mind if a couple is En Ai everyday is also a valentine day why have to wait till tt day??
Last nite youtube again till 5am..they still haven finish loading ep 9 lo. then aft finish devil beside u nth to do watch crayon shinchan for less than 5mins i fall alseep liao. woke up by mom scolding y i always on the tv over the nite while sleeping de? 10am ling called to tell me tt she can go to the Private Party le but once it over we mus rush back home too. i jus told her anything cos too sleepy ler n requested her to morning call me again at 11am to wake me up but it liked i jus close my eye then she called again. infact i reali slp another 1hr le mayb i jus too tired for nt slping much for the past 2days.

Took cab to and fro cos kind of lazy and there's other reason too la.

Apply tis perfume out today.
Infact i prefer to apply men perfume than women!!
It smell jus so nice.
The small stage!!
Ling & Me!! While waiting for them to come out.
Look at my heavy eye bag for nt havin enuff slp.

Argnn scream!!
So cute of them!!
The fan dancing Their steps.
Can u spot them??
Da dong


Look at what noti Jiro wana do
Wu Chun.
My Dong very Ke Ai hor!!
Chun & Dong

My Laogong!!!

I totally forgot cine still have happy cup.
I love drinking the peppermint milk tea!!!

This is my lunch so ke lian rite?

Kinda boliao
Smile too so weird sia
eeeekk i love so fat
Ling look so sad
Our entrance chop

back home at 4pm. continue my youtube. but the sad part for me n ling is we given up the 'Qian Chan Hui' 6pm @ IMM. arghh wasted we got the CD and the ticket but hor haiz nvm ling we still got next time. jus pray to god tt we will see them in TW i dun mind letting them to sign on my bra if gt nth in hand for them to sign. oops. jus kidding.

Argue with the Marina square Zara manager. haiz lazy to write out what happen.

anyway i think i need to get catch some nap ler before migraine is coming back again.

OMG remember thur i'm sick? tt day ling was already telling me about the 'wan bao' paper having this question and fax the ans to them to get the free ticket to the Private Party with Fei Lun Hai. on wed the new paper doesn't have the question so naughty ling jus fax them telling eh there's no question so no ans, something lidat.

Then this morning ling called super excited telling me tt we got the ticket for the Private Party which is limited to those lucky winner. OMG can u imagine our happiness?we are jus so lucky feel like living in the heaven..

When ling board the cab while we on the way to James wedding she told me mayb she cannot go liao. cause she is sick ler. super super disappointed. but aft thinking through i will nt go unless she go nt because i wan to ill-treat her but if she reali wan to go i will go with her to take care of her too if not i wun leave her alone at home and go enjoy the party with Fei lun hai. And the silly girl told me to find other ppl go with me and asking whether i reali nt afraid whether will kana the sick ant. What are friend for?? I won't leave you no matter what. i knw u dun wan to 'hai' me. but it on my own willing. wahaha. now i'm living in hell. FEI LUN HAI my 'Da Dong'

Feel the xinfu at James wedding. I love those feeling when seeing those couple being so xinfu. James wish 'ni yong yuan xin fu' and remember my thing ah. wahahaha.

I jus feel like a super women. I slept this morning 7.30am lidat. gosh guess what am i doin? watching youtube till morning. mom woke up wana help me off the air-con yet she saw me watching show. she was like nearly faint. watched the whole thinking shall i continue tonite leh?heee..

Set my alarm at 9.30am to prepare everything and meet ling 11am at cwp. Was still in my dreamland till my sis pass me the phone then i was like -_-" :

me: wei
ling: lin faster, faster wake up already 11.30am liao.
me: ah?what time we met ah?
ling: 11am
me: what's the time now? (getting alert liao)
ling: 11.30am.
me: Omg how? you also over slept ah?
ling: ya lo. no choice take cab lo
me: okie

sleeping beauty ah..

aft the wedding went bugis with lian n elva. lian went to library to do her project then me n elva continue shopping. Reali enjoy goin shop wit her. We stand in SASA for nearly 2hrs looking ard finding the prefume tt i reali wan. but hmmm nth reali attract me. end up me n elva tried more than 20plus perfume. i think we smell weird for having so much of diff fragance on us. brought a miniature perfume (versace blue jean, I love my guy apply tt perfume) and foot scrub. hmm like to collect those miniature perfume as a collection. wana collect them all XP.

Went missha to disturb my ex colleague. hmm reali change lots of staff all the old staff almost all left liao. then follow by Fancl, they nearly din recongnise me. was mention bout the past make us missed the times.

Rush to orchard to meet up with mich and went Zara to get my mom top changed. who ask her din check her cloth when she buy got quite a big hole lo. Naughty mom always go Zara buy clothing de then end up everytime anything she dun like i have to be her runner to go help her get it changed or she will ask me to chose the thing i like and change to mine. but it troublesome too. no choice who ask her to be my mom. haiz.

Pepper lunch continue by ice-cream with mich. wearing a very high heel walking whole day make my leg feel like jus stepped on some lemon. oops lame. hee.

Took the digital cam out whole day end up din took any pict at all.

Haiz so fan. dear was saying next mth he give me a straight cash of $600 then i go chose whatever things i like for my bday present. but hor i was thinking whether wana take the money to buy something or jus keep it. haiz i think dear reali spent too much on me ler. everymth spent at least $1000plus on me. i also duno hw come so much lo. i also spent lots of my money on him too leh. think both of us jus too 'li hai' spent money ler. goin to draft out some table on hw we sld spent our money liao. Dear dun forget next yr u wan to change bike again hor. so we cannot everything lidat anyhw spent until duno where all the money gone too.

I wana join dancing at Esplanade Youths..argh..

I wana blade too!! Next mth thinking of getting dear a pair of blade too. heard tt he lose his blade too liao. but duno what blade to get for him cause he jus love to play stun/pattern with the blade. haha. dear n my planning for CNY go blade hee. yeah. I love blading.

Yeah dad fixed my cable ler so nw i have no prob wit the internet stuff ler. so happy. tks dad. my dad was saying my PC too many things liao la. ISIT? I dun think so. wahahaha.

Mom wana get me a adidas bag i show her ytd but i dun wan her to buy cause i got my own hand i earn my money spent my money. hee.

Arghh next mth i need to do my hair, dye with perm or dye only. but i was thinking whether to make my hair style or those normal mature look? and i need to get levi's jean, adidas watch, bag?i dun think so ba too many bag le but still in my consider list, heels or slipper?in my consider list too, necklace, pedicure. hmmm i think the rest all i brought ler ba. I think tt's all.

Wanted to get dear a Sussi facial gel @ Sasa but duno he can use it mah leh as he has a super sensitive skin but he always use Nuskin product de leh thinking of letting him try out something new.

I got this serious illness leh everytime i thot of lots of thing tt i can write in my blog but always end up forgetting bout it.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Know what i did the moment i reach home? Continue to play my computer without while leaving my msn internet running the whole.

the most impt me n ling when online to watch 933 cause Fei Lun Hai will be there and they will be using webcam so why waste the chance of seeing them XP :D

Wanted to charge my digital Cam batt nearly drop the batt into my cup of water *scare me* if not sure spoil de lor.

Arghh so many show for me to watch. Very busy ler Bye!!!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Sometime i think i jus think too much or even i need to go mental hospital to have a small little check-up i think something i wrong with my brain. i talk back to my future boss today kind of rude and harsh to her can hear tt she is unhappy too but i jus can't be bother bout it. from now on i won't mention much or even not a single words bout my work place for the time being ba. but knw what i apologise to her once i reached home my mood totally turn good. she what she reply she totally dun put it in heart and even ask me to enjoy my weekend plus. haiz sometime i'm jus so bad. knw y i still wana try out there's lot of reason behind it. i dun wan ppl to spoil me n lian program, those nice colleague and challenge myself i dun wana let ppl to beat me dwn. NO WAY!!!

half day leave today i jus dun understand why i can feel so relax or happy when i leave the wrk place. did went to see doctor before for the sickness and the 'meng meng' feeling i have is due to the stress. ok fine. will give myself 1 last try i will try to bear wit it as long as possible okie. tks to someone who is there to make me continue to move on.

Went home to bath first before goin to tampines pray pray. first station cwp delifrance.

My potato wages. cause i'm reali very full liao.
My sis steak.
My mom snapper.
Fantasy island.

End up i ate up half each other their food mom jus ordered for fun she didn't even wana eat at all de lor..shit her making me fat again. saw mich at cwp she look more n more pretty le wor!!anyway mostly she and her friend will be joining me n dear for the little holiday trip.

2nd station Ikea at tampines. so nice i love to go Ikea make me can't wait to have my own home. I wan my home to be sometime small and cosy those super super cosy de. wahahaha and i wan it small too cause i dun have to clean up so much and and i love the feeling too.

3rd station to pray. if u are a buddish sld knw there's god wan the child to be their god children. ya i'm one of them to be aknowledge by 'ti gong daughter' i nt sure hw to pronouce the word frm hokkian to chinese. frm what i heard frm mum tt when i'm still baby who is super sensitive love to cry at nite. so mum and my aunt brought me to this temple and so the god jus say wana me to be her god children. since so long we even lost the way or goin there or dun even knw where the temple gone too. finally my mom found the info frm her friend. althought the temple look old it being there's ever since i'm a baby so can u imagine hw old it is? ok ppl will feel eerie or what but i feel so comfortable duno why. jus some feeling of mine.

4th station tampine mall shopping. brought some panties and bra frm triumph omg can u imagine this mth i brought nearly 10 set of panties do i haf so many butt?but no photo for those bra and panties it my privacy..wahahah..

brought a rose 'sheong zhen' i love it alot but kind of ex lol. was still very full but my little sis is hungry again. her puberty damn good ah. yoshinoya's food again. feel like vomiting ler lo but haiz have to pei my sis n mum to eat then mum even when to buy 'tako pachi' *faint* pls let me go. and somemore mum she went to buy $30 for those bread jus bread only okay. walau knw u all knw why i'm fat ler hor. haiz no exercise only keep eating and slp. took cab here n there. haiz dun like to let my mom spent so much money since i'm already wrking liao but she jus dote me too much haiz. she even wana get me a adidas bag so i can bring oversea. arghh mom stop doting me and start doting urself more okie? if not i will feel damn sad and bad.

It look lovely isn't it?
Purple casing!!

ling told me she planned tt to bring me go blade tonite but too bad it rain.. ling tks alot i appreciate tt..but since both of us sick ler we much rest at home more okie guai la..i understand ur difficulties i understand it. but jus tt sometime i will feel abit lonely or sad too. hmm sorry to mk u even more fan.

remember u promise me to go for my last tattoo think will get it done aft CNY if nt the healing process will look nt tt nice le. this remind me of all my tattoo esp my first tattoo at roxy square 'Utopia studio' where i get to knw shawn.

1st: devil plus tribal drawn and design by shawn at lower back. Utopia
2nd: a little demon with bats wing, demon tail and horns but angel face. (they say it look like me)
both done by shawn @ Utopia. ok i had to admit i love his skills and he ink and color they use it jus so good tt i dun have to go back for the touch up.
3rd: 3D tribal at inner ankle. primative
4rd: angel wings at the back of my neck. primstive far east plaza
done by douglas. ok he was trying to woo me and shawn warn me nt to get close wit him. *scratching my head* why do tattoo artist always have a special bond wit me?
5th: *Nuticle star oops i forgot hw to spell it again at the lower rite of my back. johnny 2 tumb.
6th: redo my leg tattoo at johnny 2 tumb.
okay this time was a uncle so totally no contact at all. but hor i hope my last tattoo will be back to Utopia but tks to my ex i dun feel like goin back there if nt both of us will be awkward. but honestly those tattoo tt i have touch up reali sick of it. can u imagine 6 tattoo 4 have touch up so i have totally doin tattoo for 10 times lor.

Was thinking hw. can anyone intro me another tattoo shop which u all think it good better tt is u personal tried it before. thanks

last nite he fetch me to cwp galera for my favourite waffle ice-cream. both of us ordered the large waffle with 2 scope of ice-cream. was damn full aft tt.

but he insist on goin for the 2nd round of meal as he hadn't eaten anything since 12pm??

brought some stuff and accompany him home to change and bath before headed back to my home to watch DOA.

It my favourite okay!!
2nd round of food. with nuggets, chicken wing,
large fries, bread, corn soup and drinks!!
a little present for lian. cause she helped me lots of thing when i'm
on mc and help me to solve my korean stuff @ work. tks alot!!
DOA I'm loving it!! Forgot to tell u guys tt i love to play
this game in XBOX alot too!!! XP
Some food for YY. he jus love to eat things.
Promise to get him more better stuff. i will remember!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Went to see doctor what i expected my nose is getting more n more worse..need some med to control it ler..if 1wk lata still the same i have to go back to get the spray for my nose if it doesn't cure again i need to go for a operation ler..arghhh..why do i have so much prob wherelse my family dun have a single illness liked me..unfair unfair...

Took cab there n home and brought KFC back for everyone..being watching devil beside you, hana kimi and tokyo juliet..arghh i wana slp but i wana watch show too..sometime i jus simply can't stand myself..

Thrown away this black pig ler!!
My new one!!
It jus so comfort!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

So many things are in my mind now..I need to make lots of decision but it isn't as simple as what you think..something is holding me back..

I reali wish I can leave here alone for the time being to be alone..Jus 1 person alone..When will I ever have that chance???

Saddness is the only thing i can feel now..reali duno what is happy anymore..mayb too much thing is on my mind now..Jus need someone who reali understand me to listen to me, but suddenly dun feel like talking anymore..

Sometime i also need attention..I'm tired reali tired..

Duno why I getting more n more mom wan me to go see doctor but i dun feel like it..jus can feel tt i feel more n more helpless mayb god is taking me away bits by bits..
Jus came back from rounding dear..before tt already fall into deep sleep liao then he came waking me least he still remember to keep his promise..

I jus dun understand why some ppl always like keep finding chance to talk to the already ex liao for what still dun put down leh dun u knw what is 'hao ma bu chi hui tou cao'..haiz come find gf is it of ur concern?need to be so jealous and say those kind of childish stuff??go ask ur bf find u la..if u can't control ur own guy stop KPO other ppl guy..siao..

Cannot stand it..

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Fucking CB CB CB..

Fucking MIO BOX keep getting auto so much for those fucking service??

Wasting me more time to upload my Hana Kimi..

Today dear when for the sister family Gim Tim their daughter wedding dinner..oh yeah happy sitting with tt ex of urs huh dear?

Dun wana him to go..dear say cannot la this kind of thing ppl invite u ler cannot dun go..oh sorry hor dear u fucking forgot tt i can dun attend whatever thing i dun like no1 can force me..sorry hor i'm not from wealthy family i duno what is no choice..

In my life i'm making choice..this is who i'm and mom will nv force me into anything jus like when i'm telling her i gona resign liao..she jus encourage me without asking much..

I dun wan to quarrel nor i wana talk much..jus enjoy ur nite ba!!

I'm not feeling well so lata jus see hw mayb i nt meeting u..i wana slp..

Jus nw when cwp to get my nail filler hmm nt sure hw to spell it..anyway it make of glass and it can last long than the normal filler tt's what the sales girl told me..hope it true..cause jus getting sick of keep changing the filler i'm using currently..

Today ok quite happy but i think i tell boss too much things ler..hmmm wun tell him so much thing anymore..

Last nite I bully dear by keep disturbing him when he was using com and i goin to slp ler...he put me into bed, cover with blanket and coax me into slp..then me leg came out of the blanket saying my leg 'pin pin' de..then he have to get out of the computer chair n come cover for me again..telling me nt to get up if nt he come putting blanket for me i think i get up from bed 15times??hee cover 15times of blanket..till ard 1am+ then i fall asleep..

today late for work again..lucky dear sent me there if nt sure late until very jialat..hmmm record holder of lateness??i dun wan it de..but duno why recently i jus felt so tired..mayb .................................................................. ok touch wood..

Going to have my snack waffle with chocolate..haiz he promise to get me galera ice-cream waffle before he set off to the wedding dinner..but but haiz his dad suddenly wan go early so no time to get for me aft i end work..nvm next time ba

Bye Bye!!!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Mixed feeling.
What Should I Do?
Anyone Can Tell Me?
There's Just Too Much Thing Bothering Me.
I Just Don't Wish To Make A Wrong Move Or Step Again.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

girl i wanted you to know no matter what happen you can tell me don't hide everything in your heart urself..jus liked hw u used to do okie..thou nw both of us is very busy for work but remember no matter what i will always be by ur side when u need me..
OMG OMG OMG I Dream Of Him!!
How I Wish I Never Wake Up..
It Jus A Wonderful Dream..It Jus Too Wonderful
I Love Jiro..

Name: Wong Dong Chen, Jiro 'Da Dong'

Date of birth: 24 August (i seem to have fate with ppl bday 24th) :D

Ling darling pei me see him if we happen to see him in TW okie?

Can't wait for 28th Jan to come XP
To someone out there hope u can keep ur promise :)
It liked since so long tt i last let's start from where i stopped..

Sun the technician is finally here it reali prob with the jus took them left than half an hr to solve it..isn't it tt easy tt either parties will be happy??haiz...yeah yeah can online happy sia...

today woke up early again so lata i'm goin back to slp and at nite wana watch the dance floor..wahahaha..but i also wana watch 'hana kimi' how how???

Girls tmr i might need to go for a check up so mayb not coming to work..but will let u all knw again..cos there' something wrong wit me ler i scare might need for a operation..

Sat woke up early cos my computer is here..hee..but hor duno what happen cannot online sia..then called the singnet ppl they were saying mayb it due to the line or something and saying tt they arrange for the technical ppl to come over on hey we pay u for the modem and wth u telling angry then i pass on the phone to my bro..he was telling them lots of stuff till the person no choice have to come by sun..hahaha bro u are the best sia...

called yy too scare it me who spoil the things de..hee tks yy for ur help and sorry to disturb u..yy is our co. mis ppl..someone who jus so good at computer..and know what yy asked me eh weekend leh how come u are at home so guai???hee..Ya lor u nv say i also din realise i din go out so often ler always stay and home n slack mayb too tired ler ba..and so long i din go club liao wor..even also quit smoking ler..mayb long long 1 stick only lor..

I love u girls.

Fri boss brought us breakfast but no more mee fen which i order from him so change to lasi lemak with the famour chwee kue from the place he stay..

the whole morning we were like moving up and down lor changing the place..till 12pm then we have the time to go for the breakfast tt boss got for us..then 1pm went for out lunch eh eh eh like we are pig lor..

afternoon not used to the new desk keep showing temper and switch the keyboard, mouse, chair and computer position..arghhh..still not used to it.

afr work we girls was planning to go orchard for our pepper lunch and neoprint taken..but tt ah dear suddenly called me saying he end work early and wanted to meet me no chose girls but to change the venue 'bishan' again..

Miss the place. chit chatting before moving down
Rec'd my Christine Dior card.
My boxer hee :D Another nail polish again and the lacy sock for jus tt pair of idiot shoe
My nail polish. already throw away alot of them.
only left with those few.
He got me another new cushion to put on my desk to adjust my mood.
From comfort XP

Thurs wana go orchard with him aft my work but hor the traffic was jam until siao lor..totally no mood to go anymore so we decided to go bishan instead...

Got some stuff today..hee XP happy happy..but but but who intro me to watch one last dance???i remember one of my friend intro me to watch tt but it totally suck erxin lor..not nice at all telling him regret not watching the ghost tunnel or kongfu mahjong 3 we love scary movie and mahjong show..anyway as long as it not a boring show i love it lots..faster owe up who intro me de i gona claim back the $16 from u liao...wahahahaha

Okay finally got my air tix for the TW trip de..

Thinking of getting perfume again 'anna sui' :D althought still got 5 bottle of perfume haven used finish yet..2 lanvin 1 of it used half ler, 1 escada left 1/4 ler, 1 JPG left half bottle, the rest de finish ler and oh ya 1 more bottle from xiao ter, da ter they all but i dun like the smell..oops..u all knw de rite??hee

Mun wanted mokozi so i jus got her this too. A normal look.


Went haagen-dazs before the movie started.

MY new top again XP

Got this slimming gel which is highly recommended. IT damn painful lor

For the price i paid and the pain i paid.

Ok brought moringo again dun u think they look totally diff.
1 for hp another 1 for my digital cam.

Moringo family like getting more n more big ler. oopx

Wed called grassland to book the genting trip..okay now what for both person it cost $700plus for jus a Genting trip????nono and they doesn't have the hotel i wanted left with those erxin one kaoz...i rather use the $700plus to go hongkong or bangkok..but but hongkong their shopping dun open on new yr time and bangkok is damn danger now so can't go also no choice only can postpone it lor..

Lunch at crystal jade forgot to take pict for it..hmmm our client was here and my good boss allow him to follow us and treat him too..okay enough of the 'pc of the mth' the name tt the client got for me..even open the cab door, manage the chair and even ask me to speak my feeling before we start eating hey enough of the crap..a funny guy ideed..

He went to brought my moringo for me before coming over to find me at nite..but hor the moment i saw the moringo i was like -_-" what totally so much diff from the one i'm hanging on my phone lor so much bigger and ........ ugly oops...but he was saying it look cheerful wor..take a look urself and spot the diff............

left the one he jus got for me and right the one it abit spoil ler

Moringo family!!