Saturday, January 06, 2007

Today got up @ 9.30am prepare and go zoo..hmm it was like years since i last went there..ppl were shock tt i go there as due to my ok what, what's wrong with my pattern huh?

Sorry i got him scare cos i simply forgot to turn off my flash light.
end up this small monkey when back in to hide.

dear with the parrot!

Dear saw his campmate..not 1 but 2 lor..singapore reali too small ler..then dear was like telling me no ppl will believe he go zoo de lor..wahahaha end up what he is more excited than me XP

There white tiger behind us!!

I like white tiger so does dear too. but hor he hate my white tiger soft toy alot!

It meal time for kangaroo!

the elephant bone
while waiting for the elephant show to start!
dear say the way i smile look fake so no choice but to smile it wide this time!

the trainer is feeding the elephant with some papaya!
say good bye to the cutie elephant. it a reali nice show too!

duno what's tt called but hor i call them prata and dear keep reminding me it blah blah blah
but i will still call it prata. wahaha it cost $15 for jus 3 prata and some piece of
weird chicken
ok animal show time. It little thing is jus so cute!

saw wendy the moment the show is over..and the first thing she saw me is asking eh u also will come this kind of place de ah..*pinch her hard* of cos la..

my target is to walk till hungry then go to the children play world to have KFC for lunch end up leh cos of the prata can't digest in such a short time so din manage to have kFC -_-
I love this pict alot!!

everything come to the end of the zoo adventure..can't get my souvenir sad..cos they dun have the size 8 of the polar bear and i din wan the size 12 i think it too big more space for soft toy in my room..

good bye zoo!!!

Rush to orchard to get my bottom of m)phosis which mom force me to go and get one as she have the same thing too..knw what she always like me to buy the things she have brought and she think is nice..okay anyway if sponser by her i dun mind having FOC clothing..and it nice too m)phosis dun sell ugly cloths too XP..

At the end i got more than what i'm suppose to get lor..saw copper at orchard too so glad and happy to see mus come out and gather liao..
things i got from orchard!!

dress from my ah dear dear

the bottom from mom

adidas bag from dear again. thot it look boy boy but i like it alot XP

the jacket i brought for dear. dun ask me why i buy jacket for him again
It a Secret!!

the back of the jacket. a jacket which look nicer when it is weared on

my favourite biscult and xiao mai cao to put in office
it good for my health
bird nest tt dear brought for my mom bday
u all surely thot this is something dear got for me again rite?

guess what is in there
ta da dear brought this for her mom bday present
our dinner and my cray fish ramen.

Wanted to go haagen daz for our dessert and watch death note 2..but hor the movie timing is nt good so i'm disappointed okay..dear was saying next wk then go watch if nt he buy vcd for me..and what go to haagen daz the shop is closed ler..omg omg..this time is dear turn knowing he surely feeling damn disappointed..

Anyway tmr might need to go back office for OT again..but hor kind of tired so i still thinking sld i go back fan!!!!

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