Sunday, January 28, 2007

Suddenly feeling so scare so stress. Scare of goin to work. hadn't have this kind of feeling since yrs ago when i was still young. but why am i having it rite now??

Mayb it due to the pressure i give myself??

Hk n Audrey expectation for me is jus too high tt i scare i can't meet the expectation or i'm not as outstand as hw i used to be ler ba.

Mayb i lost the confident i used to have. But why i lost all my confident? suddenly feel so small.

Or did i lose my passion of it?

I jus feel so stress rite now. I duno what to do. But aft hearing something make me feel much comfortable ler. Tks

Sometime i jus thot i'm single.

And ppl was asking me hw i'm goin to celebrate my valentine day. here my ans: i'm not celebrating dun feel like it and i already told him i dun wan to celebrate ler so both of us will be working tt day. there's only one concept in my mind if a couple is En Ai everyday is also a valentine day why have to wait till tt day??

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