Wednesday, January 24, 2007

So many things are in my mind now..I need to make lots of decision but it isn't as simple as what you think..something is holding me back..

I reali wish I can leave here alone for the time being to be alone..Jus 1 person alone..When will I ever have that chance???

Saddness is the only thing i can feel now..reali duno what is happy anymore..mayb too much thing is on my mind now..Jus need someone who reali understand me to listen to me, but suddenly dun feel like talking anymore..

Sometime i also need attention..I'm tired reali tired..

Duno why I getting more n more mom wan me to go see doctor but i dun feel like it..jus can feel tt i feel more n more helpless mayb god is taking me away bits by bits..

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