Sunday, January 28, 2007

OMG remember thur i'm sick? tt day ling was already telling me about the 'wan bao' paper having this question and fax the ans to them to get the free ticket to the Private Party with Fei Lun Hai. on wed the new paper doesn't have the question so naughty ling jus fax them telling eh there's no question so no ans, something lidat.

Then this morning ling called super excited telling me tt we got the ticket for the Private Party which is limited to those lucky winner. OMG can u imagine our happiness?we are jus so lucky feel like living in the heaven..

When ling board the cab while we on the way to James wedding she told me mayb she cannot go liao. cause she is sick ler. super super disappointed. but aft thinking through i will nt go unless she go nt because i wan to ill-treat her but if she reali wan to go i will go with her to take care of her too if not i wun leave her alone at home and go enjoy the party with Fei lun hai. And the silly girl told me to find other ppl go with me and asking whether i reali nt afraid whether will kana the sick ant. What are friend for?? I won't leave you no matter what. i knw u dun wan to 'hai' me. but it on my own willing. wahaha. now i'm living in hell. FEI LUN HAI my 'Da Dong'

Feel the xinfu at James wedding. I love those feeling when seeing those couple being so xinfu. James wish 'ni yong yuan xin fu' and remember my thing ah. wahahaha.

I jus feel like a super women. I slept this morning 7.30am lidat. gosh guess what am i doin? watching youtube till morning. mom woke up wana help me off the air-con yet she saw me watching show. she was like nearly faint. watched the whole thinking shall i continue tonite leh?heee..

Set my alarm at 9.30am to prepare everything and meet ling 11am at cwp. Was still in my dreamland till my sis pass me the phone then i was like -_-" :

me: wei
ling: lin faster, faster wake up already 11.30am liao.
me: ah?what time we met ah?
ling: 11am
me: what's the time now? (getting alert liao)
ling: 11.30am.
me: Omg how? you also over slept ah?
ling: ya lo. no choice take cab lo
me: okie

sleeping beauty ah..

aft the wedding went bugis with lian n elva. lian went to library to do her project then me n elva continue shopping. Reali enjoy goin shop wit her. We stand in SASA for nearly 2hrs looking ard finding the prefume tt i reali wan. but hmmm nth reali attract me. end up me n elva tried more than 20plus perfume. i think we smell weird for having so much of diff fragance on us. brought a miniature perfume (versace blue jean, I love my guy apply tt perfume) and foot scrub. hmm like to collect those miniature perfume as a collection. wana collect them all XP.

Went missha to disturb my ex colleague. hmm reali change lots of staff all the old staff almost all left liao. then follow by Fancl, they nearly din recongnise me. was mention bout the past make us missed the times.

Rush to orchard to meet up with mich and went Zara to get my mom top changed. who ask her din check her cloth when she buy got quite a big hole lo. Naughty mom always go Zara buy clothing de then end up everytime anything she dun like i have to be her runner to go help her get it changed or she will ask me to chose the thing i like and change to mine. but it troublesome too. no choice who ask her to be my mom. haiz.

Pepper lunch continue by ice-cream with mich. wearing a very high heel walking whole day make my leg feel like jus stepped on some lemon. oops lame. hee.

Took the digital cam out whole day end up din took any pict at all.

Haiz so fan. dear was saying next mth he give me a straight cash of $600 then i go chose whatever things i like for my bday present. but hor i was thinking whether wana take the money to buy something or jus keep it. haiz i think dear reali spent too much on me ler. everymth spent at least $1000plus on me. i also duno hw come so much lo. i also spent lots of my money on him too leh. think both of us jus too 'li hai' spent money ler. goin to draft out some table on hw we sld spent our money liao. Dear dun forget next yr u wan to change bike again hor. so we cannot everything lidat anyhw spent until duno where all the money gone too.

I wana join dancing at Esplanade Youths..argh..

I wana blade too!! Next mth thinking of getting dear a pair of blade too. heard tt he lose his blade too liao. but duno what blade to get for him cause he jus love to play stun/pattern with the blade. haha. dear n my planning for CNY go blade hee. yeah. I love blading.

Yeah dad fixed my cable ler so nw i have no prob wit the internet stuff ler. so happy. tks dad. my dad was saying my PC too many things liao la. ISIT? I dun think so. wahahaha.

Mom wana get me a adidas bag i show her ytd but i dun wan her to buy cause i got my own hand i earn my money spent my money. hee.

Arghh next mth i need to do my hair, dye with perm or dye only. but i was thinking whether to make my hair style or those normal mature look? and i need to get levi's jean, adidas watch, bag?i dun think so ba too many bag le but still in my consider list, heels or slipper?in my consider list too, necklace, pedicure. hmmm i think the rest all i brought ler ba. I think tt's all.

Wanted to get dear a Sussi facial gel @ Sasa but duno he can use it mah leh as he has a super sensitive skin but he always use Nuskin product de leh thinking of letting him try out something new.

I got this serious illness leh everytime i thot of lots of thing tt i can write in my blog but always end up forgetting bout it.

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