Friday, January 26, 2007

Sometime i think i jus think too much or even i need to go mental hospital to have a small little check-up i think something i wrong with my brain. i talk back to my future boss today kind of rude and harsh to her can hear tt she is unhappy too but i jus can't be bother bout it. from now on i won't mention much or even not a single words bout my work place for the time being ba. but knw what i apologise to her once i reached home my mood totally turn good. she what she reply she totally dun put it in heart and even ask me to enjoy my weekend plus. haiz sometime i'm jus so bad. knw y i still wana try out there's lot of reason behind it. i dun wan ppl to spoil me n lian program, those nice colleague and challenge myself i dun wana let ppl to beat me dwn. NO WAY!!!

half day leave today i jus dun understand why i can feel so relax or happy when i leave the wrk place. did went to see doctor before for the sickness and the 'meng meng' feeling i have is due to the stress. ok fine. will give myself 1 last try i will try to bear wit it as long as possible okie. tks to someone who is there to make me continue to move on.

Went home to bath first before goin to tampines pray pray. first station cwp delifrance.

My potato wages. cause i'm reali very full liao.
My sis steak.
My mom snapper.
Fantasy island.

End up i ate up half each other their food mom jus ordered for fun she didn't even wana eat at all de lor..shit her making me fat again. saw mich at cwp she look more n more pretty le wor!!anyway mostly she and her friend will be joining me n dear for the little holiday trip.

2nd station Ikea at tampines. so nice i love to go Ikea make me can't wait to have my own home. I wan my home to be sometime small and cosy those super super cosy de. wahahaha and i wan it small too cause i dun have to clean up so much and and i love the feeling too.

3rd station to pray. if u are a buddish sld knw there's god wan the child to be their god children. ya i'm one of them to be aknowledge by 'ti gong daughter' i nt sure hw to pronouce the word frm hokkian to chinese. frm what i heard frm mum tt when i'm still baby who is super sensitive love to cry at nite. so mum and my aunt brought me to this temple and so the god jus say wana me to be her god children. since so long we even lost the way or goin there or dun even knw where the temple gone too. finally my mom found the info frm her friend. althought the temple look old it being there's ever since i'm a baby so can u imagine hw old it is? ok ppl will feel eerie or what but i feel so comfortable duno why. jus some feeling of mine.

4th station tampine mall shopping. brought some panties and bra frm triumph omg can u imagine this mth i brought nearly 10 set of panties do i haf so many butt?but no photo for those bra and panties it my privacy..wahahah..

brought a rose 'sheong zhen' i love it alot but kind of ex lol. was still very full but my little sis is hungry again. her puberty damn good ah. yoshinoya's food again. feel like vomiting ler lo but haiz have to pei my sis n mum to eat then mum even when to buy 'tako pachi' *faint* pls let me go. and somemore mum she went to buy $30 for those bread jus bread only okay. walau knw u all knw why i'm fat ler hor. haiz no exercise only keep eating and slp. took cab here n there. haiz dun like to let my mom spent so much money since i'm already wrking liao but she jus dote me too much haiz. she even wana get me a adidas bag so i can bring oversea. arghh mom stop doting me and start doting urself more okie? if not i will feel damn sad and bad.

It look lovely isn't it?
Purple casing!!

ling told me she planned tt to bring me go blade tonite but too bad it rain.. ling tks alot i appreciate tt..but since both of us sick ler we much rest at home more okie guai la..i understand ur difficulties i understand it. but jus tt sometime i will feel abit lonely or sad too. hmm sorry to mk u even more fan.

remember u promise me to go for my last tattoo think will get it done aft CNY if nt the healing process will look nt tt nice le. this remind me of all my tattoo esp my first tattoo at roxy square 'Utopia studio' where i get to knw shawn.

1st: devil plus tribal drawn and design by shawn at lower back. Utopia
2nd: a little demon with bats wing, demon tail and horns but angel face. (they say it look like me)
both done by shawn @ Utopia. ok i had to admit i love his skills and he ink and color they use it jus so good tt i dun have to go back for the touch up.
3rd: 3D tribal at inner ankle. primative
4rd: angel wings at the back of my neck. primstive far east plaza
done by douglas. ok he was trying to woo me and shawn warn me nt to get close wit him. *scratching my head* why do tattoo artist always have a special bond wit me?
5th: *Nuticle star oops i forgot hw to spell it again at the lower rite of my back. johnny 2 tumb.
6th: redo my leg tattoo at johnny 2 tumb.
okay this time was a uncle so totally no contact at all. but hor i hope my last tattoo will be back to Utopia but tks to my ex i dun feel like goin back there if nt both of us will be awkward. but honestly those tattoo tt i have touch up reali sick of it. can u imagine 6 tattoo 4 have touch up so i have totally doin tattoo for 10 times lor.

Was thinking hw. can anyone intro me another tattoo shop which u all think it good better tt is u personal tried it before. thanks

last nite he fetch me to cwp galera for my favourite waffle ice-cream. both of us ordered the large waffle with 2 scope of ice-cream. was damn full aft tt.

but he insist on goin for the 2nd round of meal as he hadn't eaten anything since 12pm??

brought some stuff and accompany him home to change and bath before headed back to my home to watch DOA.

It my favourite okay!!
2nd round of food. with nuggets, chicken wing,
large fries, bread, corn soup and drinks!!
a little present for lian. cause she helped me lots of thing when i'm
on mc and help me to solve my korean stuff @ work. tks alot!!
DOA I'm loving it!! Forgot to tell u guys tt i love to play
this game in XBOX alot too!!! XP
Some food for YY. he jus love to eat things.
Promise to get him more better stuff. i will remember!!

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