Sunday, January 21, 2007

It liked since so long tt i last let's start from where i stopped..

Sun the technician is finally here it reali prob with the jus took them left than half an hr to solve it..isn't it tt easy tt either parties will be happy??haiz...yeah yeah can online happy sia...

today woke up early again so lata i'm goin back to slp and at nite wana watch the dance floor..wahahaha..but i also wana watch 'hana kimi' how how???

Girls tmr i might need to go for a check up so mayb not coming to work..but will let u all knw again..cos there' something wrong wit me ler i scare might need for a operation..

Sat woke up early cos my computer is here..hee..but hor duno what happen cannot online sia..then called the singnet ppl they were saying mayb it due to the line or something and saying tt they arrange for the technical ppl to come over on hey we pay u for the modem and wth u telling angry then i pass on the phone to my bro..he was telling them lots of stuff till the person no choice have to come by sun..hahaha bro u are the best sia...

called yy too scare it me who spoil the things de..hee tks yy for ur help and sorry to disturb u..yy is our co. mis ppl..someone who jus so good at computer..and know what yy asked me eh weekend leh how come u are at home so guai???hee..Ya lor u nv say i also din realise i din go out so often ler always stay and home n slack mayb too tired ler ba..and so long i din go club liao wor..even also quit smoking ler..mayb long long 1 stick only lor..

I love u girls.

Fri boss brought us breakfast but no more mee fen which i order from him so change to lasi lemak with the famour chwee kue from the place he stay..

the whole morning we were like moving up and down lor changing the place..till 12pm then we have the time to go for the breakfast tt boss got for us..then 1pm went for out lunch eh eh eh like we are pig lor..

afternoon not used to the new desk keep showing temper and switch the keyboard, mouse, chair and computer position..arghhh..still not used to it.

afr work we girls was planning to go orchard for our pepper lunch and neoprint taken..but tt ah dear suddenly called me saying he end work early and wanted to meet me no chose girls but to change the venue 'bishan' again..

Miss the place. chit chatting before moving down
Rec'd my Christine Dior card.
My boxer hee :D Another nail polish again and the lacy sock for jus tt pair of idiot shoe
My nail polish. already throw away alot of them.
only left with those few.
He got me another new cushion to put on my desk to adjust my mood.
From comfort XP

Thurs wana go orchard with him aft my work but hor the traffic was jam until siao lor..totally no mood to go anymore so we decided to go bishan instead...

Got some stuff today..hee XP happy happy..but but but who intro me to watch one last dance???i remember one of my friend intro me to watch tt but it totally suck erxin lor..not nice at all telling him regret not watching the ghost tunnel or kongfu mahjong 3 we love scary movie and mahjong show..anyway as long as it not a boring show i love it lots..faster owe up who intro me de i gona claim back the $16 from u liao...wahahahaha

Okay finally got my air tix for the TW trip de..

Thinking of getting perfume again 'anna sui' :D althought still got 5 bottle of perfume haven used finish yet..2 lanvin 1 of it used half ler, 1 escada left 1/4 ler, 1 JPG left half bottle, the rest de finish ler and oh ya 1 more bottle from xiao ter, da ter they all but i dun like the smell..oops..u all knw de rite??hee

Mun wanted mokozi so i jus got her this too. A normal look.


Went haagen-dazs before the movie started.

MY new top again XP

Got this slimming gel which is highly recommended. IT damn painful lor

For the price i paid and the pain i paid.

Ok brought moringo again dun u think they look totally diff.
1 for hp another 1 for my digital cam.

Moringo family like getting more n more big ler. oopx

Wed called grassland to book the genting trip..okay now what for both person it cost $700plus for jus a Genting trip????nono and they doesn't have the hotel i wanted left with those erxin one kaoz...i rather use the $700plus to go hongkong or bangkok..but but hongkong their shopping dun open on new yr time and bangkok is damn danger now so can't go also no choice only can postpone it lor..

Lunch at crystal jade forgot to take pict for it..hmmm our client was here and my good boss allow him to follow us and treat him too..okay enough of the 'pc of the mth' the name tt the client got for me..even open the cab door, manage the chair and even ask me to speak my feeling before we start eating hey enough of the crap..a funny guy ideed..

He went to brought my moringo for me before coming over to find me at nite..but hor the moment i saw the moringo i was like -_-" what totally so much diff from the one i'm hanging on my phone lor so much bigger and ........ ugly oops...but he was saying it look cheerful wor..take a look urself and spot the diff............

left the one he jus got for me and right the one it abit spoil ler

Moringo family!!

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