Saturday, January 13, 2007

Not forgetting before goin off frm office rec'd a email from Ivan 'our director' a compliment email..ok nth much to be happy..

What make me happy is lian sms me at nite asking me to go check out our co. email..Hey girls it a good news from hk ya first saw the email same as ivan = Hi eve, well done keep it up or congratulation!! keep up the good work..all the same ok i got Top for something which we think it boliao but our manager seem so excited..haiz..okay go back to what hk mention :

Hi all,
It's a long time since the last gathering. This calls for an opportunity for celebration + makan session.

Hi Eve,
you have the honour to select the venue.

Han Kuan.

Am happy plus sad mayb this is the last time we go out together as a team ler happy is cause will always have this kind of small gathering every mth hk always kana con by us..wahahaha..but the last gathering i think is hk bday ba i forgot ler..

Anyway girl u all see the email lian n hk is boliao till email each other at nite and i think hk is trying to con me by trying to trick me into treating of everyone of u..wahaha, i'm not wealthy but normal but but but hk is wealthy so let's think so small place where we can con him until siao..wahahaha..Ok i reali wan me to treat ice-milo can???jus hack care of hk liao we keep making fun of it ler..

Miss it so much!!!

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