Sunday, March 08, 2009

Fruitful weekends!!!!!!!

I love weekends!!! enjoy to the MAX.......

Friday night after work headed down to cwp to check out some stuff *grinz* will post out once i feel like posting it..

then bf, grace and buddy reached.. went sakae sushi for dinner before our movie 'PUSH'.. was quite a draggy and the story wasn't as good as what i thought it will be..

Saturday shopping time after our lesson end.. brought a few pcs of cloths and got my 'AHEM' loving it so much as it so special + unique.. *BLINK BLINK*.. lalala

enjoy the nice shopping trip with grace.. and we only have the time to eat our dinner at 9+pm.. how late was that.. we being shopping since 4pm straight up to 9+.. i'm loving it..

back home to put my stuffs, do up our test review and out we go to sembawang beach with buddy and bf.. drinking session over there.. stay till 4.30am in the morning and never study for our test at all 8X

Sunday the blur day was late for the test and i totally forgot to write my name on my test paper OMG!!! how much more forgetful i can be..

do a little shopping and we go cai shen miao to pray pray.. we stay there for quite sometime.. and back to cwp for movie 'Marley and Me' omg i totally love this show.. it super funny and heartwarming show.. but prepare tissue as when it come to the end, tears definitely will be rolling down.. worth it!!! dun mind watching it again..

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